Plural Research Collective


What is Plurality/Multiplicity?

“Multiplicity implies the presence of more than one centre of consciousness, more than one self.” – Paul Dell (2009)

Broadly, the experience of plurality is the experience of having ‘more than one’ person, entity, sense of self, consciousness, or center of agency within one body. ‘Plural’ as an identity label originated within the community to emphasize the phenomenological reality of being ‘more than one,’ separate from and broader than medical diagnostic terminology. Multiplicity is a relatively interchangeable word, originating from medical usage in the 80’s.

A basic introduction can be found on this website:

What forms of Plurality and Multiplicity does your group work with?

A large majority of grant-funded psychological research focuses on Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) and Other Specified Dissociative Disorder (OSDD).

However, the plural research collective recognizes that all experiences are worthwhile of study; this includes post-clinical experiences of healthy multiplicity, spiritual or cultural experiences that align with multiplicity, and non-pathological forms of multiplicity. The interdisciplinary focus of our group lends itself to a wide variety of perspectives and projects on this matter.